15 July 2010

Is This My Life?

26 days until I catch my flight to Bangkok at 8:30 in the morning! It's all really coming together now. Sold my car yesterday for that much needed extra cash for my trip. It's bizarre that it is gone but honestly, I had some terrible memories in it so good riddance. I can't fathom the thought that I won't be driving a car for A YEAR!! MRT & BTS rides here I come. Also, of course the occasional tuk tuk ride (pictured to the left).

I found my luggage and have started laying out everything I've bought thus far. It is chaotic! My to-do list is still about three pages long though including: banking, picking a carry on, book my amazing hotel for the first two nights, apply for my visa next week, print out maps of the BTS & MRT so I don't get insanely lost, sell anything I can, etc. I could go on for a week or so on things I have to do but I won't bore you! :)

I really can't believe this is all happening. I feel like I'm living a dream or someone else's life completely. I am so optimistic about the future and how could I not be? I have talked to so many people who have done this in Thailand (or other Asian countries) and they tell me they wish they were still doing it or could do it all over again. I am ready for this journey of a lifetime! :)

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