Well I've finally buckled down and bought some necessities for my apartment: a mattress topper, a blow-dryer (it's PINK! and also a piece of crap but it was only $10 so I guess you get what you pay for), a bucket to wash my laundry in (washer & dryer, I miss you), and some notebooks so I can start school successfully on Monday! That means I've been doing less fun and more work which I guess was bound to happen eventually.
I'm dreading the beginning of school on Monday, it equals lots of public speaking which makes me nauseous. I hope I don't throw up on anyone! I'm also working on my resume and getting that ready to send out to schools to hopefully find a job! I found one school I really like but who knows if they will even be hiring...I can't get my hopes up but I'm really leaning towards being a teacher of little ones. We all know I love the kiddies (Thai kids are the cutest).

I did get the chance to get out last night for some Fuji (the Japanese restaurant I am now obsessed with). I had a LOT to eat for around $10. I had sushi and chicken and miso soup and tofu and fried cream cheese things and it was all amazing! I love that place. I tried some raw fish for the first time. The actual fish fish I really didn't enjoy at all (I almost gagged but was brave about it), the raw shrimp I did like though. It was just as good as cooked shrimp! Before dinner we went to this little obscure bar called Carnival where I had an alcoholic drink called Punch. It was amazing! I didn't taste any alcohol at all, it was more like a very sweet pineapple-y punch drink. At the bottom there was some jelly! SURPRISE! I kept feeling something at the bottom with my straw and we assumed it was just some type of fruit but it was definitely jelly. I ended up just sucking it down with the rest of the drink so I didn't even really realize it was an unknown substance. Oh well, it was good!
I've been shopping for necessities today, groceries, and getting some resume advice from my Bangkok mentor. She's so great, I can't wait to start applying for jobs! She's made me feel very confident. I am being productive tonight, writing blogs, uploading new pictures, editing videos, and creating my YouTube channel so I can keep you all updated through video. I'm also waking up very early tomorrow to watch the LSU game via Skype (thanks mom & dad!), so it will be an early night in Bangkok for me! Night night everyone!
Also, do you see that gorgeous sunset?? I see that daily here. It amazes me each time! :)
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