Yesterday morning I woke up and got ready to head to the WORLD's biggest weekend market, Chatuchack, or JJ as the Bangkokians call it. I had visited there last November and was just overwhelmed by all the stalls - there are something like 18,000. You can buy pretty much anything you want from miniature dogs to beautiful Thai handicrafts. First off, we stopped for breakfast and coffee. We had banana pancakes and iced coffee. For both of us to eat it cost around $4 and was absolutely DELICIOUS!!!
Then we walked around and just saw the different vendors and items. There's so much there it's still overwhelming but it was nice being with someone who had a grasp of everything there. It wasn't as crowded as it was last time I was there because it was a holiday weekend and some places were closed or people traveled.
I found a Thai version of Captain Jack Sparrow! He looked just like Johnny Depp. I actually ended up seeing him last night on Khaosan Road too. So awesome. He asked me about my piercing and asked if someone had stabbed me there. haha.
Now, there is a JJ mall where it's nice and air conditioned and has lots of shops also. I saw a vendor selling oysters and for some reason those oysters were completely calling my name. For the record, I HATE oysters. They're slimy like boogers. I waited for her to warm them up a little bit and she added all these spices and things to them.
It looks like I'm about to go explore Bangkok by myself for the first time which is exciting and scary all at the same time. I need to get lost a few times on my own to get used to the area. I may even head to the tattoo shop and get my tattoo today! :) Wish me luck. I'll write again soon and update about my adventures on Khaosan Road last night.
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